Tomorrow (April 9th) was supposed to be the start of my month and a half long road trip across the country, but the universe had other ideas. At the going away party my coworkers from Towson had thrown me at Michael’s Cafe in Timonium, a vest was liberated from my possession at some point in the night. Aside from my over indulgence in the finer distilled substances of this world, the vest was never more than 10′ away from me the entire night. I just don’t understand how someone “disappeared” it so quickly.
The unfortunate part of the story that arrives next(other than the loss of the relatively new Coleman vest) was that in that vest were my wallet and a backup smart phone. What a wrench to have thrown into the works. I’m sure there is a sage lesson in this somewhere, but right now I’m (literally) grasping at my obligatory millennial avocado toast attempting to figure out what I’m supposed to get out of this experience. Perhaps it’s for the best that this happened now, and not 1,500 miles into the road trip where it would be nearly impossible for me to get things back together. One could also interpret this as a lesson in patience and forgiveness. Patience for yourself to allow for mistakes to happen and forgiveness to know that you can’t always do everything perfectly. As with many things millennial, we look (read: have to and should) for the positive things in every day events; sometimes it’s just harder.
Now, back to my avocado toast…