Some Updates For You

I haven’t posted out here in a while, so I figured this was as good a place as any to fill in my internet followers as to the happenings in my life…Most of the last few months have been occupied with backpacking, job hunting, playing with cute dogs, and trying to live life to the fullest. Some photos below to fill you in on my activities…

People in Washington love their pets…It’s rare to go on a hike and not find several people who’ve brought their furry friends along for the hike. The Australian Shepard on the left is named Nila and possesses the same level of energy you might find within a medium sized nuclear power plant. She is quite an entertaining dog to be around. The Shiba Inu on the right is named Maggie. As evident in the photo, she is basically a cat. Maggie is an experienced hiker and pulls at her lead to go up any new trail. Very pleasant beast to be be around. Nila and Maggie’s owners are very kind to let me monopolize their dog’s attention while I’m around.

My most recent adventure was a jaunt up to the city of Vancouver, BC. (Canada) After an extraordinarily thorough search and questioning process at the border by two (I suspect) bored Canadian border agents I stayed at the Samesun Hostel in downtown Vancouver. I visited Stanley Park, Lynn Creek, the Granville Neighborhood, and even took the “Sea-Bus” across Vancouver Harbor. Vancouver is a lovely city, I would absolutely go there again…I’d just dress a little differently at the border; apparently long hair, flannel, and minimal luggage gets you “special treatment” by Canadian customs. I’m not bitter, I promise I’m not bitter, definitely not bitter…..Fuckers. Some photos of the weekend below…More to come on the gram once I get Adobe sorted. (Adobe has now resorted to threatening me about licensing. I will not be cowed by their popups!)

I think the most important news is that as of today I’ve been an employee of Expedia Group for one week so far. I’m the Information Technology Real Estate Team’s newest Project Manager. It has definitely been a transition, going from 6 months of fun-employment to going to an office everyday. While I’ll miss the unscheduled brewery visits, midday runs, random photography sessions, and mid-week hikes; I’m glad to finally have found gainful employment. It was a long haul, and while I was never worried about finding work. It is nice to finally have something under the belt. Looking forward to digging in at this new job, finding new challenges, and all of the “growth opportunities” to come.
